Thursday, January 21, 2021


Tools and Applications Summary:

Click on the following Link to see the Tools and Applications summary for the course EDUC561

Tools and Applications Summary

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Suggestions to Avoid the Bad Habits During Quarantine:

We had previously exhibited bad habits that we do during quarantine, and now we will show you their solutions or how to replace them with useful things such as:

  • We can take advantage of this period by sitting with our parents and communicating with them.
  • Create a daily plan about achieving three small milestones (a little progress each day adds up to big results by Satya Nari.
  • Enhance some hobbies in your personality and educate.
  • To do some recreational activities with my family members, that help transform the tense atmosphere into a calm one.
  • To enhance your technology skills by attending courses or videos on YouTube about the most important program, to know ow to deal with the rising generation.


The Bad Habits During Quarantine:

We are going to talk about the bad habits that happen while quarantine during the corona outbreak

Among the bad habits during the quarantine period, we mention the waste of time. Because of boredom, people tend to browse social networking sites and follow series and movies instead of using their time for useful things such as reading books.  And because of watching movies and soap operas, people stay awake until late at night to follow them, and as is known, staying up late has negative consequences such as losing the ability to focus and feeling constantly tired.  It is also common that a person during this period increases his desire to eat, but the actual reason is boredom and not hunger, and this will lead to an increase in weight, which harms human health.  And because of all that we mentioned above, a person becomes lethargic and lazy, becomes less mobile, and neglects sport, which is a very important factor in maintaining human health.  Also, some people find in this stone more time to drink hookah, forgetting all its disadvantages and disadvantages.

The following pictures reflect some bad habits


Corona Virus "COVID-19":

Corona virus is a new and dangerous disease that affects world .it affects the large countries like Europe, Chinese and America economically that nothing affects these countries. Lebanon is economic declined and with lock-down it affects people living. Since 80% of people in Lebanon depends on their daily work to live, and we all know that Lebanon has no financial crisis to help their people. So lock-down affects people more than corona in Lebanon. Large numbers of people were dead suddenly.

People infected with COVID-19 were suffering in respiratory illness. it was very dangerous for old people who suffers from comorbidity like heart failure, diabetes, hypertension. this disease spread quickly there is no way that stop this disease or decrease its side effects in people. Its effects differ from one to another according to immunity. symptoms appear after 14 days. they suffer from headache, shortness of breath, joint soreness, fatigue, cough ...inability to walk, anorexia, can’t taste or smell. Newly they find a vaccine but still they can get the virus, but lots side effects be more be less severe.

The most difficult moment in COVID-19 that we lose our loved ones without farewell, and changing the burial ceremony.

Clowning Workshop

Activity about the Cleanliness:

My colleagues and I took a Clowning Workshop, and got a certificate of it.

In which I learned in this training humorous skills that instill in children fun and help After completing this session, on World Health Day, my colleagues and I performed a play about the importance of maintaining hygiene. This play won the admiration of children and at the same time reached them the main message of this play, which is to maintain hygiene.
The following pictures show that students enjoyed this activity.

Online Teaching and Learning

Disadvantages of Online Learning:

The first Inability to Focus on Screens, for many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for long periods of time. Another key challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. As we know, students can learn a lot from being in the company of their peers. However, in an online class, there are minimal physical interactions between students and teachers. This often results in a sense of isolation for the students. Another disadvantage of online learning is that teachers have a very basic understanding of technology. Sometimes, they don’t even have the necessary resources and tools to conducts online classes. Manage screen time, the increase in screen time is one of the biggest concerns and disadvantages of online learning.

Online Teaching and Learning

Advantages of Online Learning:

Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students. Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice. Also, it is reduced financial costs. Online education is far more affordable as compared to physical learning. Moreover, it is Improved Student Attendance, since online classes can be taken from home or location of choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons. it suits a variety of Learning Styles, some students are visual learners, while some students prefer to learn through audio.