Written Articles

  • The Influence of Modern Technology on Classroom Management:

From rudimentary tutoring to doctoral-level schooling, innovation has become a vital piece of the learning cycle all through the homeroom. With the usage of the Common Core Learning Standards, the abilities needed for research are more important than any other time, for they are needed to prevail in a school setting, just as in the business world. "Customary paper based materials and strategies have been given up, while web 2.0 devices and different advancements and projects are utilized to find, assemble, and coordinate data". Cooperation is energized and input has become a piece of developing drafts and dispersing found data and composed material. The point of this article is to respond to the inquiry, "How does innovation influence the instructing and learning of the exploration cycle, and for what reason is it essential to implement innovation use into the educating of the examination cycle?" as such, this article expects to find how unique examination advancements are utilized during each progression of the exploration cycle, just as how powerful these apparatuses are in making research more effective or all things being equal, an importantly more convoluted cycle. Inside schools, restricting perspectives may additionally confuse the way toward learning research techniques, for in libraries, a more prominent accentuation and dependence is set on online data sets and web crawlers as a passageway to get data; in any case, different instructors and history specialists favor a customary strategy for research by depending on essential and paper-based assets. Thusly, this article breaks down how is presently being managed the exploration cycle in instruction with or without innovation use, and what should happen all together for teachers and understudies to encounter more productivity, comprehension, and achievement while directing examination.

  • Progressive Theory of Education:

There are many schools and theories regarding traditional and modern education.

In the response of development to traditional teaching methods that depend on the teacher and indoctrinating him, keeping the student away from the arena of teaching and learning except in the achievement tests.

The Progressive School emerged in support of progressive education in America from the mid-twenties to the fifties, and John Dewey was one of the most prominent supporters of this school.

Where formal education was the basis of the educational movement. But with the emergence of the progressive school, this school gave more value to the experience than formal education, as it relied on experiential education focusing on the whole child of talents and others, and not on the content and the teacher. Here was the reliance on testing students' ideas through active, interactive experiences.

These experiences arise through the student's interaction with his learning environment, and asking questions that establish the learning process.

Here, in this regard, the teacher's role has changed from an instructor, to a presenter and assistant in those experiences that help the student to practice and experiment to reach progressive learning and benefit from it, interacts with him, and participates in the content of the curriculum as well as it is derived from the student’s interests and questions.

In this school, the student can study and learn things in a systematic and direct way. Here, the focus is on (how the student can know and learn) not only on memorizing information.

And in the context of developing this school for the data of the educational - learning process

One of its principles was that the school is a tool for developing and updating the student’s life by giving him freedom and democracy in the school and choosing educational topics, and his participation with the teacher in planning this learning process.

it is well known that the book is a self-contained authority, dominating its ideas even if they are old and not renewed, not commensurate with the development of the era. But this school came clarify the traditional image of authoritative book, and make it a participating tool between the student and the teacher.

Progressive learning in the present day:

This school received so much welcome, among those who adopted it and introduced the bases of this school is the President Barack Obama, where he introduced them to the progressive school founded by Dewey (University of Chicago Laboratory Schools)

Of course, there are many schools that have adopted progressive education as a group of independent curricula, which is a community of schools that focus on the comprehensiveness of education for the needs, capabilities of students, because they are the rock base of any program. through the student’s role in this learning, it develops the student to be explorer and searcher for his information.

Other Examples:

in light of the Corona pandemic, and what we live with today in terms of online education, and the research that is required of the student, we find an example of this creative school with its ideas, building up a generation of explored explorer researcher, which is not clear, depending and only receiving.

And also by applying the student to practical applications in subjects, especially science and mathematics, he embodies these ideas which were established by this creative school.

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